I was able to bring in an image for our cake idea & the bakery did a great job on that. :)

'One up' cupcakes were easy enough. The 'spots' are actually white chocolate that I grabbed from the bakery. & I printed out some little graphics to spruce up the tower.

I did ghost balloons! Thank you Pinterest. Super simple and so cute.

Chocolate mustaches. Grabbed a mold from Michael's for $1.99. Everyone had fun with these!

Even my grandma. ;)

I also grabbed some posterboard and made 'Pin the Mustache on Mario!'. He's really a simple character to draw so I did just that.

A phone picture for these . . because they were scooped up before I could take a 'nice' picture. These mushroom bags were easy peasy!

Big recommendation for those who may have a Mario party in the future. . EBAY. You can get so many very well priced favors & such. I scooped out super cute necklaces & buttons from there for .. next to nothing.
I did labels for our drink cups so everyone could write their names & then I took the same labels and added some text in MS Word to say thank you for coming . . and seal the treat bags shut with those. Feel free to use them if you like!
The turn out was great! I felt so frazzled scrambling to get everything done, but I think . . it went very well. & now . . I have a nice 4 month break before the next party. :D

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